Saturday, April 16, 2011


THE BASICS: submitted by a reader

 Fascism: When a small group of wealthy people gain control of
government to quash their competition, and force us to become

 Tyranny: When those who are supposed to protect us – oppress us.

 Religion: The word means ‘collection of laws.’  “Those who do not
understand the link between religion and politics – understands
neither religion nor politics” – Mahatma Gandhi.

 ‘Those who don’t understand the links between religion, politics,
media, medicine and education – don’t understand fascism.’ – this
anonymous writer

 There really are those who have tried to buy up God’s world – given
to all of God’s children – with counterfeit ‘money.’  Jesus of
Nazareth cleaned the money-changers out of the temple – TWICE.  What
He started, we must finish.

 ‘Tis they who truly want to kill, steal & destroy – everything that
God has said, made, wants, and joined together.

 Jesus of Nazareth trashed a few people along with the moneychangers:
Pharisees – (attorneys.)  Scribes – (the media.)  Preachers: The
church of its time nailed Him to the wood with FALSE accusations.
Teachers (of the law) – ‘educators.’  We the people are not your
enemies.  THEY ARE!

 Know – WHO your enemies are, and there is no society so enslaved as
one that thinks itself free.  The devil himself is quite charming, and
in end times, even the elect will be deceived.  They want us to kill
each other off so they can conquer all.

 If you’re in ‘the system’ – willingly or otherwise – understand –
that it can be fatal to choose the wrong side of a revolution.  Even
if you survive the coming revolution in America – that I believe
nobody can stop at this point – you will spend the rest of your lives
looking over your shoulder, just as the German Nazis spent their lives
reliving the war – over and over and over again – wondering when they
would be found out and disposed of, along with their families.

 One truth can expose countless lies.  SEEK truth – as there are many
very well-funded people who will feed sugar-coated lies to you:
POISON!  In order for a poison to be effective, it must be taken
within, and damage something vital.  Free your mind.  Smell the
fascism - DO something.  You and only you – are the solution.

 Now, why didn’t they teach any of this to you in school?  And if not
them, why not your preacher – or your favorite commentator?  Go
figure!  ‘When those who are supposed to protect us – oppress us’ – EN
MASSE.  To find out how/why they do this, follow the money ALL the way
back to its source - - - and know that they’re getting ready to snap
it off – even killing off most of ‘their own’ in a war they THINK they
will win over us all.  Now who is the solution?

 People of all races, ages, nationalities & persuasions: Take this
simple information – given to you on this blog – and splatter it ALL
OVER THE INTERNET.  Supplant their psycho-babble with simple truth and
remember that LACK of knowledge can be fatal!  Go save somebody’s

When America gets fascism it will be called anti-fascism…. Huey Long

Fascism, Authoritarianism, Socialism, Communism, Statism, or Dictatorship, they all lead to the same place and they all begin the same way. America has flirted with all of them at different times in different ways during our history but somehow the people wake up and smell the roses, “just in time”. Will they this time, detect the sweet smell of freedom, now so faint on the wind in time to avert the collapse of the greatest nation and civilization in the history of mankind? Will generations of state controlled non-education prevent the majority of the people from detecting that fragrance?
What we are fighting today is fascism regardless of what the perpetrators may choose to call it. A pig is still a pig even if you dress it up in velvet and drape it with diamonds and gold. Believe it or not fascist regimes can be “quite popular” for those who are not being terrorized. Sadly, complacency is a strong and natural urge in the human animal and none of us are immune to it.  Even when Top-down edicts generate fear, citizens will turn a blind eye to state-sanctioned atrocities committed against others, so long as they perceive themselves in safety. While others are being arrested and detained for vague accusations of some sort of “domestic terrorism” or are declared to be a threat to the “Continuity of Government”, the people in their apathy may pause, question in their minds the justice or lack of it involved and move on. As wrong as it may seem to them, they will settle on some cliché or another; “where there’s smoke there’s fire”, for instance, and go about their daily lives. People don’t tend to truly perceive threat until it is on their doorstep. In this case, when it goes that far, it is too late.

We’ve forgotten that our founders knew about repressive societies, criminalized speech, arbitrary arrest and show trials. Each of them could have been hung just for signing the Declaration of Independence, but sign it they did. Would we, in the same certain knowledge, sign it today? Thomas Paine knew that when he wrote the little book, Common Sense, he risked being hung for treason. Indeed his publisher was eventually dragged off in chains. Would I write this article if I knew tomorrow I would be similarly accosted? I like to think the answer is yes but none of us know that for sure until faced with that choice. We will all be faced with it soon enough if we do not change our perceptions, accept responsibility and question every single statement made in the mainstream media or from the mouths of the politicians, foreign leaders and elitists. Our checks and balances have been very nearly obliterated while we turned a blind eye and concerned ourselves with our own daily lives at the expense of others and more importantly the liberty we take for granted.  We’ve forgotten there is a price on liberty. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance and nothing less will do!

Most of us today have the mistaken perception that the worst fascists in history, Hitler, Mussolini and others came to power through force and violence alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each came to power first legally in a working but weakened Democracy by making use of the Parliamentary system to subvert and reorder the rule of law; then quickly, legally aggregated state power to his own person.

The slow and steady “shutting down” of an open society requires the “Appearance of Normalcy”.  It’s easy to look around today and choose to believe that “shutting down”, is not happening. While we are busy going online surfing through a universe of information; clicking through hundreds of TV channels; enjoying the latest Hollywood film; reading a best seller, watching a football game or just being grateful we have a job to go to every day, our society is not just “shutting down”, it’s very nearly locked down and we don’t see it.

While we have convinced ourselves that it couldn’t happen here and if it did we would be seeing, boots on the stairs, terror in the streets, death camps and the smoke of crematoriums rising in the distance, the evil is advancing. All those events need preparation, patient planning, political maneuvering, carefully crafted false flag events and propaganda to induce the willingness of the people to swap liberty for security.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” …..Benjamin Franklin 1775

The decade so far in review:
2001 …. 9/11 was claimed to be a terrorist attack and later proven to be something else, something quite insidious. The whole truth may never be known.

2002… Bush embeds the term “War on Terror” in the minds of the people to create a shadowy frightening “boogey man” in their hearts. The Bush administration begins unloading coffins of dead American soldiers from planes at night and forbids photographers from shooting pictures of them. Nazi’s unloaded the coffins of the German war dead at night to keep the people under the impression that Germany was indeed winning the war.
2006… CIA worker fired for posting a message on a blog criticizing Water Boarding. Draft Bill waives due process for enemy combatants with a broad and vague definition of “enemy combatant” . President Bush begins abuse of “signing statements”. Blogger jailed after refusing to turn over video he took of a public protest. Government wins access to a “Reporter’s phone records. In Alabama a federal judge stripped the powers over election process from a Democratic official Secretary of State and handed them over to a Republican governor.
2008…. President Bush is ushered out leaving us with The Patriot Act an abomination to freedom, Homeland Security which some say IS our current government in total. Note; by 1930 Nazi propagandists referred to Germany as the “Heimat” – the “Homeland” and established the “Department of Domestic Security”. A man who refuses to prove he is even American is ensconced in the White House holding the highest office in the land and with an agenda to completely erase our Constitutional Republic form of government.

2009 … President Obama assists the violent removal of the leader of Honduras and sends him into exile in Costa Rica. Why? The man was successfully stopping the flow of drugs through his country to Mexico and then to the United States. Czars are appointed for the purpose of curbing free speech and controlling the content of the internet, bringing down the free market system, allied countries are snubbed while our enemies are catered to, avowed Communists are advising the president and creating public policy, a member of NAMBLA (National Association of Man-Boy Love) is made the head of the Department of Education and children K through 12 are assaulted with pornographic and sexual materials and instruction in the nations schools.  America turns her back on her strongest most loyal ally, Israel and the president goes out of his way to insult her leadership.

2010 … Obama through back door deals and congressional shenanigans and against the will of the people forces his health care agenda which isn’t about health care but re-distribution of wealth and power using the process of “resolution” instead of law. Many states file suit against the federal government in response to the unconstitutional mandates and content in the bill. He declares America to be “not a Christian Nation”, and demonizes Christian traditions while forcing the public to accept those of Islam. Obama aids the world’s most dangerous enemy to freedom, Iran by sending our troops into Libya without consent of congress at the behest of a foreign entity, the U.N. Homeland Security declares any American citizen claiming to be Sovereign (which every American is) to be Domestic Terrorists along with all those who profess a strong belief in God, vote for third parties, criticize the government, own guns, protest the assault on the Constitution etc. Obama declares himself DICTATOR with a stroke of the pen. Claiming the right to arrest, detain and incarcerate without due process of law any person even if previously found by a jury in a court of law to be innocent for an indefinite period of time. Nobody says a word because he claims this only pertains to the so-called terrorists in GITMO. What will stop him from coming after you? With that one signature this evil S.O.B. has done what even the most twisted madmen in the history of the Western World has ever dared to do and we put on the blinders and say nothing.

2011 … The Obama administration attempts to obliterate the Second Amendment while at the same time sending arms to the Mexican Drug cartels and blocking any attempts to secure our borders leaving the citizens of our border states under assault.  Obama’s favored unions whip their members into false frenzy with disinformation and they begin to riot as the states frantically attempt to get a handle on an out of control financial situation.  The unions declare they will deliberately “collapse” the economy and launch the war with an attack on wall street oblivious to the fact the very establishment they have been made to think is to blame is the very establishment that provides their jobs. Obama refuses to back off his intent to spend the American people into oblivion. Congress reaches a stalemate in efforts to curtail the disastrous policies of the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton signs a small arms treaty with the U.N. against the will of the people.

All fascist leaders tell the people a story of a global threat which is evil incarnate. They must have a demonized enemy against which to mobilize the followers. That external enemy can even be real to provide a basis of truth to be twisted and magnified in order to control the people. Suddenly we are told there will be imminent invasion if we do not take drastic measures such as submitting to sexually invasive searches or dangerous health risks in the forms of scanners at airports. We are told the only way to protect ourselves from “terrorist” invasion is to allow ourselves to be under total surveillance with a “National ID” which can track our every move. The people are led to believe the impending collapse of the economic system is their fault, they need to pay more taxes, surrender more power and ownership of production and business to the government.

As freedom movements like the Tea Party, CC 2009, RAP and RuSA sprout up the elite take steps to discredit, accuse and incite fear into the people who dare to stand for liberty. Those people are called racists simply because the man they are protesting who is deliberately destroying the nation happens to be of mixed race. The only color the people see is red. Those who dare to challenge the fraud in the courts are jailed for their trouble, citizens attempting to educate the people outside court houses about the right to jury nullification are arrested for trumped up and fictitious charges of jury tampering. Members of our oldest and founding document mandated line of defense for the people, the Militia, are arrested and falsely accused of violent intent. Over 1200 FEMA detention camps are now built, scattered throughout every state and stand empty awaiting the intended round up.

All DICTATORS: invoke an external and threat; develop a paramilitary force; create a secret prison system; surveil ordinary citizens; arbitrarily detain and release them; harass citizens’ groups; target writers, entertainers, and other key individuals for dissenting; intimidate the press; recast dissent as “treason” and criticism as “espionage”; and eventually subvert the rule of law. They invoke fear of unseen enemies poised to invade, promise untold wealth and relief to the suffering masses after orchestrating the very cause for the woes of society.
Now think hard about what you see around you in this country today. Think about how free you are. Is there any aspect of your life left that isn’t regulated by government, curtailed by regulation, mandated by resolution or demanded by those who would declare themselves better, smarter and more capable than you? How secure is your future? Will your job be there tomorrow? Can you choose not to poison your children with vaccines designed to kill them slowly?


This time with intense attention to all written there, consider how this evil is created, implemented and used, add to it all I have exposed and written about over the past five months and then………..


The best tool available to the fascists who have very nearly completed the destruction of this great nation is that which We The People create ourselves, innocently, under the mistaken idea that we will effect change and save our nation. We have made it easy for them. We have targeted ourselves while blindly believing God was guiding it because one man with enough charm to convince the people, said so.

Some of the best minds in the country claim it’s not about Turner, we can still make it work. We will ignore him and then when the time comes, replace national and all will be well. Besides, there is always the chance he is telling the truth and he really does have the gold. We don’t need it but what if he has it?

Consider this… The Conservative majority in Germany allowed a minority leader, Adolph Hitler into power thinking they could CONTROL HIM! He was a nobody,  with few followers but his “brown shirts” were causing chaos in the streets and the people thought better the goon we can control than the unrest we are dealing with.

While our nation is coming apart at the seams our best and brightest are being identified, kept busy with useless non-solutions and empty false promises, led by the nose for a year and a half thinking they will be “ready” for the imminent collapse, the invasion of the Chinese or the global explosion of war or whatever. The truth of the matter is they will be caught with their collective pants down.


America will still be here but we won’t recognize her. The world will be far less safe and we will see those boots in the streets, death camps and the smoke of crematoriums not in the distance, in our towns, indeed some of us may get a much closer view if we allow a single further encroachment and fail to reverse that which we have allowed already.



1 comment:

  1. Check out Lyle's post
