Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The truth of how deep an integral part our educational system plays in a global take over under the control of a self appointed elite group is exposed in a documentary interview entitled “The Secret History of Western Education” with Charlotte Thomas Iserbyt….

In 1910 the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Board of trustees met and according to the minutes of that meeting, asked themselves this question “Is there any way known to man more effective than war to so alter the life of an entire people?” For the next year they explored other ways but ended up deciding the most effective way was indeed war.

During WWI the trustees sent a confidential message to president Wilson insisting the war not be ended too quickly. After the war the Carnegie bunch decided if they could get control of education in the United States they would be able to prohibit the return to the way of life as it had been prior to the war. They recruited the Rockefeller Foundation and others to assist in this monumental task. Today most of the large tax free foundations are a part of this hidden plan.

These twisted socialists wrote; “Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or asking questions other than those the schoolmasters would wish.”

“Influences of the home are obstructive. In order to influence students verses set to music and repeated are very effective. It is for future scientists to discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or police.”

Between 1970 and 2000 – Educators were indoctrinated using “Innovations in Education – How to become a change agent”. Aimed at teaching teachers and administrators how to sneak in controversial curriculum such as death ed, sex ed, bullying ed, alcohol and drug ed, all programs having nothing to do with education but everything to do with promoting desired behavior. To make children engage in sex, drink, do drugs etc. and to recognize resistors who might get in the way of making the parents believe these programs were designed to help the children. They were taught to go to community leaders and convince them how important the programs were to re-teach values and these people were highly trained. This was all done to pave the way for new communist values for collectivism and one world government.

The schools are geared to change the education system from an academic classical educational system to brainwashing for the international socialist government which we see taking over our country today. Before the federal takeover of our public schools the educational goals were to instill in students basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic and a strong sense of morals and values.

Now there are no decent values taught in school, instead they are taught not to object no matter what others do. It’s ok if you are in a situation where you need something and can’t pay for it you should be able to just take it and feel fully self justified in doing so etc. They call that value clarification. Now they are using work force training by identifying children at a very early age and training them for what the system will decide they will do for a living in the future; a repeat of the Soviet Planned Economic system. They are implementing this now using school choice, charter schools and performance based outcome utilizing Pavlov’s theories adapted to the use of computers. Computers were introduced and are being used to destroy free will. Children are very malleable in this manner and easy to control by using a combination of entertainment and indoctrination until the subconscious accepts and the conscious thought is in line with the goal set forth in the software.
This is used to totally destroy the conscience and any concept of right and wrong or what is acceptable decent behavior in society. This is all being done with the basic concept of operant conditioning dog training, brain washing conditioning computers and workforce training for the globalist economy. The corporate fascist, socialist communist government that is as we speak operating Washington D.C., State governments and right down to most communities is far advanced and very nearly complete.
Charlotte Iserbyt wrote a 39 page book Back to Basics Reform or Skinnerian International Curriculum to expose the agenda with a subtext on the front;
“Necessary for United States participation in a one world government scheduled for the early years of the twenty first century”. When the neo-con foundations, like Heritage Foundation etc. found out about it they boycotted the book. A book which told Americans exactly what was going on, what they were doing to our children and what they planned for the future of our country.  This is the end of freedom in every possible direction and avenue by brain washing the people into compliance. Ronald Reagan instead of abolishing the Department of Education signed an agreement with the Soviets to merge the two education systems.
It’s all founded on performance based education which is about what you can do not what you can intellectually reason or create but what you can do to benefit the whole system of global economy. This all started with the 8 year study done by the Carnegie group in the late 30’s and 40’s. They created the “National Assessment” for the purpose of declaring the constitution outmoded and ushering in global communism.  The beginning of the planned economy to finish this plan started with Reagan and has been accelerated ever since. This calls for all people to be mandatory servants.

Some excerpts from that boycotted book:

(Note: Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) holds public schools accountable for a child’s acquisition of attitude, value, and behavior outcomes that are nestled in state standards and integrated with academic curriculum! NCLB also demands accountability for having highly qualified educators—of which national certification is based in part on an educator’s ability to collect and assess a child’s personal information, use behavior psychology-based practices on kids, and more.)

Does the public know that experimentation—especially in low income, high minority areas—is taking place? Is it any surprise that kids from Mastery Learning/Direction Instruction sites have difficulty reading and writing after 12 years of federally controlled experimental schooling? Proof of such lab rat experimentation responsible for declining test scores follows: an admission made by Brian Rowan who was involved with William Spady in the infamous 1984 Utah Outcomes-based Education grant which called for "putting Outcomes-based Education (OBE) in all school of the nation."

Rowan, in a federally-funded paper titled "Shamanistic Rituals in Effective Schools", 1984, said in regard to Effective Schools (which calls for ML/DI): "The ritual is particularly suited to application in urban or low performing school systems where successful instructional outcomes among disadvantaged students are highly uncertain but where mobilized public’s demand immediate demonstrations of success. The uncertainties faced by practitioners in this situation can easily be alleviated by what scholars have begun to call 'curriculum alignment.' [teach to the test—Ed.] "Student variability in performance can be reduced, and relative performance increased, not by changing instructional objectives or practices, but simply by changing tests and testing procedures."

“This book deals with the social engineers’ continuing efforts, paid for with international, federal, state, and tax-exempt foundation funding, to manipulate and control Americans from birth to death using the educational system as the primary vehicle for bringing about planned social, political, and economic change. (The major change in our economic system will be the determination by industry and government of who will be selected to perform the necessary tasks in our society—quotas for engineers, doctors, service workers, etc., to bring about the socialist concept of full employment.)”

Most have not read the Obama health care bill but I have read a good deal of it and I can assure you it does contain language outlining how all doctors and other health care professionals will be limited to a certain pay scale and prohibited from going beyond it. In other words it will no longer be a financial incentive for a doctor to specialize in brain surgery and fork over the massive amount of educational expense to reach that goal because he will be prohibited from earning any more than those general practitioners with basic medical education and much lower educational expenses.
There was an elementary Social Studies program called Man: A Course of Study (MACOS). In the Congressional Record, April 9, 1975, page H2585, Arizona Congressman John Conlan said this about MACOS: “ The course was designed by a team of experimental psychologists under Jerome S. Bruner and B.F. Skinner to mold children’s social attitudes and beliefs along lines that set them apart and alienate them from the beliefs and moral values of their parents and local community.”

This course was based on studying the lifestyle of an obscure Eskimo tribe. Parents were outraged that fifth graders were required to read stories which promoted infanticide, cannibalism, incest and senilicide, the shoving of aged relatives out on the ice to die alone… this was to promote anti life, sub human values changing behavior modification techniques. This is being done by computerizing the classroom so that parents cannot review the text which is being used to brain wash their children or expose the change agents for who and what they really are.
What types of materials are being used to train the teachers to indoctrinate and control the students?
HOW TO TEACH ANIMALS by Skinner, HOW TO TEACH ANIMALS: A RAT, A PIGEON, A DOG, by Kathleen and Shauna Reid,

In the National Diffusion Network (NDN) programs that use Skinnerian operant conditioning on children, twenty-five or more of which are the highly controversial Follow Through programs for economically disadvantaged kindergarten through third grade students, the social engineers always experiment on the helpless and disadvantaged, using them as guinea pigs with pre and post testing, before they target “all” our children for “treatment.”

This is all in line with Agenda 21. This is a 40 chapter document which outlines how they will basically control the world. It is based entirely on Socialist control mechanisms. This is a design of global objectives to include; an end to National Sovereignty, The abolition of private property of all types, The restructure of the family unit, and increasing limitations and restrictions on mobility and individual opportunities. This is all couched and disguised as the “Green Movement” and under that it describes what’s not sustainable for the 21st century. Among those things are:

Private property, fossil fuels,(which by the way it turns out are not fossil fuels but we will address that another time), golf courses and ski lodges, consumerism, irrigation, paved roads, commercial agriculture, herbicides, pesticides (except for those being dropped on us from the sky in the chem. Trails of course), farmland, pastures, grazing of livestock, and the family unit. This Agenda calls for a total abandonment of unalienable rights as described in our founding documents and endowed by our creator. Naturally they have also identified Religion as one of the items which is unsustainable for the 21st century.

The question which comes to mind first is how could this outrageous plan ever be implemented let alone sustained and the answer is; “You steal a generation of children and you indoctrinate them so that they accept these ideas to become global citizens in the coming global village”, at a much lower standard of living than we in America have ever experienced.

This educational effort will encourage changes in behavior that will create a more sustainable future in terms of environmental integrity, economic viability, and a just society for present and future generations (ever wonder where this whacked out concept of so called “social justice” came from or the idea that housing, health care, jobs, groceries or even education are rights instead of privileges or something we have the RIGHT TO PURSUE?)

The entire purpose of second grade social studies is to transfer loyalty from the family to the government. The truth which keeps men free is being suppressed in order to prop up the attitude training and work force agenda which our educational system is now built on. The publication “Education for Sustainable Development” tells us so.

It reads; generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability”

Everything coming out of Washington is Marxists brainwashing for the world of the future. She was fired for leaking documents in an effort to do something about it.
Robert Welch publicly announced this plan in 1958.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtOKOEX5JAI

Information gathering about families is being done in the first grade. Our children are indeed being transformed into an army of servile brain washed minions unable to think, reason or object but simply regurgitate whatever they are being told and what they are being told is not being told by us their parents and grandparents. We are now identified as the enemy to the globalist ant colony which has been under construction since 1910.

The Secret History of Western Education http://www.youtube.com/watch...

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com/

American Deception … http://americandeception.com/

Lines of Credit Ropes of Bondage – The story of the financiers their fellow co-conspirators and the plot to destroy western Christian civilization http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/lines.htm

On You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch...

Ronald Reagan “The Truth of the Rest of Him” http://americandeception.com/index.php...

Agreement between U.S. and U.S.S.R. on merging educational systems.. http://americandeception.com/index.php...

An excellent article on “THE CRADLE TO GRAVE” agenda of the education system… http://americandeception.com/index.php...

President George H.W. Bush on the restructuring of American academics based education to the failed Soviet polytech system (2006 work force training system).

Agenda 21 For Dummies http://www.youtube.com/watch...

How your community is implementing Agenda 21



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